

大家好,我叫”在领“这是我学习笔记 人生难免起起伏伏,关键是以灵性之眼审视人生。 在我们的生活中保持对永恒价值的关注与追求……

All reality is created by the mind or consciousness.

  • The mind or consciousness is the source of thoughts and beliefs.
  • Thoughts and beliefs create reality and are the foundation of reality.
  • Thoughts and beliefs are divided into positive thoughts and negative thoughts.
  • Positive thoughts bring positive emotions (such as optimism, confidence, happiness) and positive behaviors (such as hard work, healthy lifestyle, good interpersonal relationships), ultimately leading to happiness and success.
  • Negative thoughts bring negative emotions (such as pessimism, inferiority, anxiety) and negative behaviors (such as laziness, unhealthy lifestyle, tense relationships), ultimately leading to pain and failure.
  • Specific examples demonstrate the specific manifestations of positive and negative thoughts in real life.


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